Deal of the Year 2024” issued by NIKKEI Veritas.

The “Deal of the Year 2024” is selected and ranked based on a survey conducted by NIKKEI Veritas for institutional investors and securities companies.

The survey has evaluation criteria with three points; (1) whether we have met the issuing entity’s capital needs and business strategy needs, (2) whether the demand survey on issuing or selling situation, the change in prices after issuing were valued by investors and (3) whether the deal was meaningful to the capital markets.

As reported, our follow-on offering conducted in July 2024 was highly valued and we ranked as number three in the Best Equity Finance category for the “Deal of the Year 2024,” which was announced in NIKKEI Veritas dated January 26, 2025 (please refer to “Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (August 2024)” disclosed on August 5, 2024 for more details of the follow-on offering concerned).

Considering the offering size that the No.1, ASICS was about 200.0 billion yen (secondary only) and the No.2, HONDA was about 500.0 billion yen (secondary only), why our 12.6 billion yen (primary + secondary) was ranked number three, we believe that this is primarily due to our shareholders’ support in the capital market and we really appreciate the great support from our valued shareholders.

We will make further efforts in 2025 and aim to make further progress. Your continued support would be highly appreciated.

Tag: 2025/1/30