GENDA does not plan to announce its medium-term management plan for the following reasons
While we place M&A at the core of our growth strategy, we believe that if we announce a medium-term management plan that incorporates M&A, there is a risk that we may carry out unreasonable M&A to achieve our business performance, resulting in a high price tag, while on the other hand, if we announce a medium-term management plan that only incorporates organic growth, we believe that the disclosure of a medium-term management plan that incorporates only organic growth would increase the possibility of presenting a growth trajectory that differs significantly from that of our group, which places M&A at the core of its growth strategy. For these reasons, we refrain from disclosing our medium-term management plan.
Please refer to page 31 of “M&A Progress and Earnings Forecasts after December 2023” for the growth image up to 2040.