Although GENDA is committed to acquiring assets at appropriate valuations, we understand that some investors may have concerns about whether the acquisition price is at an appropriate valuation, since the acquisition price is undisclosed.
As a disclosure on this point, we have announced that it is making steady progress in recovering its investment, as described in the “M&A Progress and First Quarter Outlook” disclosed today. In the case of M&A, which generally requires a long period of time to recoup the initial investment, GENDA has completed the recovery of investment in the pre-IPO amusement arcade M&A at an early stage, and all cash flows generated now and in the future will be returned to GENDA’s stakeholders in excess of the original investment amount. (See “Q3” below for the status of PMI other than amusement arcades.)
Furthermore, by financing the majority of the acquisition price with debt financing and minimizing GENDA’s cash contribution, GENDA’s actual recouped cash has exceeded the aforementioned gross basis recoup of the initial investment.