Message from President / Management Team

GENDA aims to become the world's No.1
Entertainment Tech Company

We believe "fun" is essential for people to live a fulfilling life. That is why our Aspiration is “More fun for your days”.

With members that share our Aspiration, we aim to become the world's No.1 entertainment company by pursuing new challenges every day following the three GENDA values of "Speed is King," "GRIT and GRIT," and "Enjoy our Journey" as guiding principles.

While there have been significant technological advancements in the gaming industry in recent years, there are still many areas and fields in the entertainment industry that require the power of technology.

We have been working on the DX of amusement arcades since 2020. However, this is just one example. We believe that GENDA can utilize the power of technology to amplify the quality and quantity of fun in the vast world of entertainment.

GENDA will continue to invest in strengthening technology and increasing fun in the world - please look forward to it going forward.

Mai Shin, Representative Director and President

Three GENDA Values

GENDA continuously aims for "Rapid Growth" together with its members. The guiding principle to achieve this is the "GENDA Value."

Speed is King

"Speed" is not just important but of the utmost importance


The most essential factor for sucess is GRIT (perseverance)

Enjoy our Journey

Let's enjoy our journey together and achieve greater dreams

Speed is King
GRIT and
our Journey

Our Management Team

代表取締役会長 片岡 尚
Representative Director and Chairman of the Board

Nao Kataoka

Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Economics. 1995, joined Jusco K.K. (currently Aeon Co., Ltd.). 2004, transferred to Aeon Fantasy Co. 2013, President and Representative Director of Aeon Fantasy. 2017, concurrently appointed as President and Representative Director of Aeon Entertainment. May 2018, founded GENDA and appointed as Chairman of the Board. Current position since September 2019. In December 2023, he was appointed to the Representative Director and Chairman of the Board of GAGA Corporation.

代表取締役社長 申 真衣
Representative Director and President

Mai Shin

Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Economics. 2007, joined Goldman Sachs & Co. and engaged in bond sales in the Financial Institutions Sales Division. 2010, at the Financial Products Development Department, in charge of a wide range of activities including product development and proposals for interest rate and foreign exchange derivatives and advising on global financial regulations. 2016, Director, Financial Products Development Department. November 2017, Managing Director. Aug 2018, joined GENDA as Director. Current position since June 2019.

取締役 CCO 兼 コンテンツ&プロモーション事業最高責任者 佐藤 雄三
Director, CCO and Head of Content & Promotion Business

Yuzo Sato

Graduated from Waseda University, Faculty of Education. 1986, joined Hakuhodo Inc. 2015, President & CEO of TBWA\HAKUHODO Inc, and Corporate Officer of Hakuhodo Inc. 2018, Director and Executive Corporate Officer of Hakuhodo Product's Inc. April 2022, joined GENDA as Director of the Board. In September 2023,he was appointed CCO (Chief Communication Officer). Current position since December 2023.

取締役 CFO 渡邊 太樹
Director, CFO

Taiju Watanabe

Graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Faculty of Commerce and Management. 2011, joined Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. (currently Mizuho Bank, Ltd.) and served as the Wholesale Relationship Manager at the Corporate Banking Division. 2015, joined Goldman Sachs & Co. and served as the Vice President in the Advisory Group of the Investment Banking Division, involved in M&A advisory and equity / bond financing transactions. June 2021, joined GENDA and August 2021 appointed as Executive Officer, CFO. Current position since April 2023.

取締役 CSO/公認会計士 羽原 康平
Director, CSO / Certified Public Accountant

Kohei Habara

Graduated from Kobe University, Faculty of Economics. Passed the Certified Public Accountant Examination while still a university student, and worked at KPMG AZSA LLC auditing mainly listed companies. 2017, joined PwC Advisory LLC, and involved in over 30 M&A deals as financial advisor, including deals for entertainment companies. September 2019, joined GENDA and August 2021 appointed as Executive Officer. Current position since September 2023. He was appointed to the Head of F&B Business. In November 2023, he was appointed to the Representative Director and President of GENDA capital. Current position since April 2024.

社外取締役/弁護士 野村 彩
Independent Outside Director / Attorney

Aya Nomura

Graduated from the Graduate School Rikkyo University, Faculty of Law, and from Keio University, Faculty of Law. 2007, joined Torikai Law Office and Wadakura Gate Law Office, practicing law and has experience in a range of areas including litigation, advising on corporate governance, supporting shareholder and board meetings, incident investigations and responses, corporate crime, internal reporting, human resources and labor issues, preparation and review of legal documents such as contracts and regulations, and a wide range of corporate legal matters. Current position since April 2022.

社外取締役 嶋津 紀子
Independent Outside Director

Noriko Shimazu

After working for The Boston Consulting Group in the area of management strategy planning for large corporations, she earned an MBA from Stanford University Graduate School of Business. After returning to Japan, she established Japan Search Fund Accelerator (JaSFA) as a leading search fund in Japan and became Representative Director and President. After organizing Japan's first search fund conference and managing the YMFG Search Fund, she co-founded and is currently managing the Japan Search Fund Platform (JSFP) with the Nomura Group. She is also an ad-hoc member of the Small and Medium Business Policy Council and serves as an Independent Outside Director of a portfolio company. Current position since April 2024.

執行役員 CTO 兼 IT戦略部部長 梶原 大輔
Executive Officer, CTO and Head of IT Strategy Department

Daisuke Kajiwara

In 2006, he joined Yahoo Japan Corporation. In 2007, he joined GREE, Inc. and was appointed as its Executive Officer in 2014, He has served as General Manager of the Development Division and General Manager of the Business Division. In October 2021, he joined GENDA Inc., where he was appointed CTO GENDA SEGA Entertainment (currently, GENDA GiGO Entertainment Inc.) Executive Officer, CTO and General Manager of IT Strategy Division. Current position since December 2023.

執行役員 CBO 兼 ブランド戦略部長 北川 稔
Executive Officer, CBO and Head of Brand Strategy Department

Minoru Kitagawa

After working for a sporting goods manufacturer and an advertising production company, he joined Doutor Coffee Co. in 2000. He designed and directed stores, products, and SP tools, planned the development of new business categories, and rebranded Doutor Coffee Shop. In 2016, he joined AEON ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LTD as the head of brand strategy and creative director, he was responsible for the rebranding of the AEON CINEMA complex. Also served as Director of Merchandise Department. In 2019, he joined GENDA Inc. as Representative Director and President of SPSS, Inc. In 2021, he was appointed CBO of GENDA Inc. and GENDA SEGA Entertainment Inc. (now GENDA GiGO Entertainment Inc.), and Director of Brand Strategy Office. Current position since April 2024.

執行役員 アミューズメント施設事業最高責任者 二宮 一浩
Executive Officer, Head of Amusement Arcade Business

Kazuhiro Ninomiya

In 1996, he joined NAMCO LTD. Operation of amusement facilities in Japan. After serving as head of operations, promotions, and purchasing, in 2018 Executive Officer at Bandai Namco Amusement Inc. As Facility Sales Division Manager, I am in charge of the domestic amusement From 2019, he will serve as the company's executive director. He is in charge of overseas business as Division Manager of Overseas Business Division, Managing Director, NAMCO UK Ltd. from 2020, NAMCO USA Inc. Director. In August of the same year, appointed as the Director, General Manager, Product Planning Division of GENDA SEGA Entertainment (currently, GENDA GiGO Entertainment, Inc.). In April 2023, he was appointed to the Representative Director and President of GENDA GiGO Entertainment, Inc. Current position since September 2023.

執行役員 キャラクターMD事業最高責任者 田中 敬一郎
Executive Officer, Head of Character MD Business

Keiichiro Tanaka

In 1993, he joined NAMCO LTD. and was in charge of store operations in Nagoya and Kobe. In 1996, he joined Fukuya Co., Ltd. and became Director and General Manager of Sales Dept. In 1999, he became Senior Managing Director and established Merchandise Dept. In 2002, he became Representative Director and President. In 2008, he established FUKUYA HONK KONG LIMITED. In 2017, he established Fukuya Holdings Co., Ltd. and became Representative Director of Fukuya Holdings Co., Ltd. In 2018, he established FUKUYA USA INC. and FUKUYA TAIWAN LIMITED. From February 2024, he was appointed Executive Officer, Head of Character MD Business, Representative Director and Chairman of the Board of Fukuya Co., Ltd. and Representative Director and Chairman of the Board of Ares Company Limited and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tokyo Character Makers Co., Ltd. (concurrently).

執行役員 米国事業最高責任者 伊与田 篤
Executive Officer, Head of U.S. Operations

Atsushi Iyoda

In 2004, he joined Aeon Fantasy Co. Store manager, district maintainer after working as a sales manager, he was responsible for the purchase and development of game machines, as well as product sales in various countries overseas. Engage in port operations. In 2015, he became the company's ASEAN Development Manager. Vietnam, Cambo Responsible for operational support of Zia franchise stores. In 2017, became Representative Director of AEON FANTASY VIETNAM CO.,LTD. Inauguration 2018, Representative Director, AEON FANTASY GROUP PHILIPPINES, INC. Also serves as a director. In 2019, he joined GENDA Inc., and in July of the same year, Kiddleton, Inc. He founded and became CEO & President. Current position since September 2023.

執行役員 F&B事業最高責任者 長江 国輝
Executive Officer, Head of F&B Business

Tomoki Nagae

Graduate from the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Agricultural and Life Sciences. 2016, joined PwC Advisory LLC, extensive experience in M&A advisory services, including financial due diligence and financial advisory services for buy-side and sell-side M&A deals, as well as post-deal PMI services. May 2019, joined GENDA and August 2021 appointed as Executive Office. In September 2023, he was appointed to the Head of F&B Business. In October 2023, he was appointed to the Representative Director and President of LEMONADE Lemonica Inc.

顧問 島根 悟

Satoru Shimane

Graduate from Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo. 1984, joined National Policy Agency. 1988, Chief of the Second Investigative Division in the Criminal Investigation Department, Hiroshima Prefectural Police Headquarters. 1989, Chief of First Public Safety Division in the Security Department, Fukuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters. 1991, Deputy Chief of the Criminal Planning Division in the Criminal Affairs Bureau, National Police Agency. Subsequently, held various positions such as the Director of the Police Affairs Division in the Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters, the Counselor of the Criminal Planning Division in the Criminal Affairs Bureau of the National Police Agency, the Director of the Criminal Affairs Division in the Hokkaido Prefectural Police Headquarters, the Chief of the Criminal Planning Division in the Criminal Affairs Bureau of the National Police Agency, and the General of the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters. 2014, Policy Evaluation Counselor in the Cabinet Secretariat of the National Police Agency, concurrently serving as Counselor in the Cabinet Secretariat of the National Police Agency (in charge of the Life Safety Bureau). 2015, General of the Shizuoka Prefectural Police Headquarters. 2017, Deputy Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, served until retirement in 2018. Current position since October 2022.